Your stories. Our strategies.

Lisa Lark Communications was founded on the principle that every person – and every company – has a story. Finding and developing these stories is our passion and our purpose.

When done right, storytelling can help advance virtually any initiative – and we firmly believe we’re doing it right. Our one-of-a-kind process utilizes language, research and analysis to create strategies and content that are customized for each client.

Templated approaches & designer solutions aren't our style. Driving business forward is.

Instead of starting from scratch with a cookie cutter plan, we dive deep (like Jules Verne deep) into your world and build on what you already have.

We’ll align with your objectives – and your budget – and work with your team to create the materials needed to drive your business forward.

We work with clients of all sizes and offer both project-based and retainer packages. We don’t have a project minimum – in fact we love working with clients who are just getting started. Whether you’re defining your brand, announcing a new product, or just looking for a reset, we are ready to help you find your stories.

Your project is unique - that's why we tailor our process to fit your needs.

We’ll meet you where you are, and together we’ll help you build a plan to get where you need to be. We'll work collaboratively with your team to explore the what, why and how of your communications.

Our multi-phase process includes:

  • Review of existing communications assets

  • Conversations with leaders and team members

  • Site visit

  • Industry and competitor research

  • External stakeholder feedback in key & targeted demographics such as job seekers, industry and community members, and DEI/ESG specialists.

Our one-of-a-kind review examines nearly 100 different aspects of your company's communications. We’ll analyze both internal and external communications, looking at everything from job postings to sales materials.